Sunday, October 27, 2019
Environment Essay: UK energy policy
Environment Essay: UK energy policy The main problem for the UK and other countries has been the unmanaged release of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere resulting from the use of fossil fuels in energy generation. There is convincing evidence that this is causing major changes in the Earths climate, the consequences of which could threaten the health and livelihoods of so many people on this planet. The major issue that Governments worldwide are now facing is how to meet increasing energy demands from an ever increasing world population. The issue is politically charged, with differing opinions on how nuclear, renewable and energy efficient measures should contribute to future energy policy. From the governments point of view, energy policies must be driven by the aim of ensuring an adequate and secure supply of affordable energy whilst also properly dealing with the production of wastes, including both carbon dioxide and radioactive materials. The Governmentââ¬â¢s figures show that UK carbon dioxide emissions have increased over the last two years, and although Kyoto targets are likely to be reached, the UKs energy policies must aim for cuts in emissions of 60 per cent in the longer term (defra, 2005). One of the major challenges facing the UK is how to generate electricity whilst minimising the damage that can be caused by waste products. In the short to medium term, some scientists comment that it will be difficult to reduce dependence on fossil fuels without the help of nuclear power (Royal Society, 2005). At present, the UK relies on nuclear power to generate about a quarter of the UKs electricity demands. All nuclear power stations are scheduled to reach the ends of their lives within the next 30 years. Unless the rate of development of both renewables and energy efficiency measures makes up for the loss of capacity resulting from the phasing out of nuclear power, the UK will become more reliant on fossil fuels, which is obviously not consistent with an overall aim of drastically reducing carbon dioxide emissions. According to the Governments own estimates, we will be more dependent on fossil fuels to generate electricity in 2010 than we were in 1995 (defra, 2005). Whilst the UK has made relatively well funded policy commitments to increasing its renewable energy capacity throughout the 1990s, it would still be hard to argue with the European Renewable Energy Study description of renewable resources à ¢Ã ¢Ã¢â¬Å¡Ã ¬Ãâ¹Ã
âplaying an almost negligible role in the United Kingdoms energy balance (TERES, 1994). Since that 1994 report the UKs efforts have seen it rise only from 15th to 14th by 2002, on a list ranking the 15 EU countries on the fraction of energy they obtain from renewable sources. Production amounts to only 3% of total primary energy use in the UK, with 46% of this figure coming from hydropower (Smith, 2002). The reasons for this low figure can be broken down into a number of categories, including problems with planning regulations, poorly thought out support mechanisms and a general lack of political will. Whilst having provided prior support for the support of RD efforts in renewable energy, significant efforts in providing UK policy on developing their potential can be traced to the oil crises of the 1970s, as with the efforts of so many of its competitors. Elliott provides an extensive overview of renewable energy RD funding in the UK up the late 1980s, and the underlying policy basis for it (Elliott, 1989). Elliott records that wave energy came to be the most favoured of the new renewable energy technologies in the late 1970s and received considerable government support on this basis. This was to change following a 1982 review by the Advisory Council on Research and Development for fuel and power (ACORD), along with a report from the Energy Technology Support Unit (ETSU) (HMSO, 1982). This led to the reassessment of wave as unlikely ever to achieve a sufficiently low price to make it economically viable. Wind had initially been classified as one of the technologies least likely to develop to an economically viable stage and was thus provided with only a low level of funding. ACORD support of wind led to favourable government policy and funding for R,DD, though the government stood firmly against providing direct financial grant aid to try to move the technology from the demonstration phase towards being fully commercial. This policy of eschewing grants was to remain intact up to the 2001 announcement of Ãâà £40 million to support a limited number of offshore wind developments and the expansion of biofuel use. One of the problems often cited in connection with the development of renewable and nuclear sources of energy is that they appear to be uneconomic compared to fossil fuels. This is based on what the Royal Society considers a flawed assumption, that there is no cost associated with pumping carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. The Government needs to introduce a charge for the right to produce carbon dioxide, through for example a carbon tax or a system of tradable emissions permits. Such measures are required to balance the economic arguments surrounding energy generation. The end of 2001 saw the announcement of a wide range of new instruments aimed at revitalising the UKs efforts regarding renewable energy. Current plans for future policy in the UK centre on achieving a target of 10% of all electrical generation from renewable energy sources by 2010. The central mechanism aimed at achieving this end is the newly introduced Renewables Obligation (RO). However, to date, not all of these have reached the statute books and begun to have an impact in real terms. The governments future energy policy must focus on how to ensure a secure supply of affordable energy, how to manage the waste products of energy generation regardless of whether it is in the form of radioactive materials or carbon dioxide, and how to increase energy efficiency. The fact that DEFRA is responsible for dealing with waste, while Department for Trade and Industry deals with the commissioning and operation of power stations, must not prevent a coherent approach to policy that meets our future energy requirements whilst properly managing any waste that is produced. (accessed 2005)Elliott D. Renewable energy RD in the UK: a strategic overview. Technology Analysis Strategic Management 1989;1(2):22337.ETSU. Strategic review of renewable energy technologies. London: HMSO, 1982.Smith A Watson J The renewables obligation: can it deliver? Brighton, SPRU, University of Sussex, 2002, 6.TERES. The European Renewable Energy Study. Luxembourg, Advisory Council on Research and Development, European Commission, 1994. Passion Fruit: Medicinal Uses and Taxonomy Passion Fruit: Medicinal Uses and Taxonomy Introduction Passion fruit is one of the most exotic tropical fruit because of the magic of its aroma and the taste of its fruit. It belongs to the family Passifloraceae and is estimated to have approximately 500 species of Passiflora. Within this species, there are two distinct forms, the P. edulis f. flavicarpa i.e the yellow passion fruit which is in Peru, Brazil and Ecuador, it is also widely distributed in Guyana as well and the Passiflora edulis L which is widely known as the purple passion fruit. The purple passion fruit is cultivated in Africa and India. They both differ not only in color but in other feathers. The purple passion fruit has is less acidic, has a better aroma and flavor, and has slightly higher juice content. The yellow passion fruit on the other hand has a, ore vigorous vine; the fruit is larger and has a thicker wall than the purple type. Thus they both make an excellent juice blend. Passion fruit vine is a shallow-rooted woody, perennial, climbing by attaching its tendri ls to objects. The leaves are evergreen, hairless and are alternately arranged, posses 3-lobed when mature, they are finely tooted, grow from 7.5-20 cm long, deep green and gloss above, paler and dull beneath, the stems and tendrils are tinged with red or purple ( mostly the stems and tendrils of yellow passion fruit). Fragrant flower grow from 5-7.5 cm wide and is borne at each node. The bloom is clasped by 3 large green leaf-like bracts, consisting of 5 greenish-white sepals, 5-white petals, a fingerlike corona of straight, white-tipped rays, rich purple at the base, 5 stamens with large anthers, the ovary and triple-branched style forms a prominent central structure. The yellow passion fruit flower grows slower with more intense color than the purple passion fruit. Taxonomic Classification of Passion Fruit Kingdom: Plantae Division: Magnoliophyta Class: Magnoliopsida Order: Malpighiales Family: Passifloraceae Genus: Passiflora Species: Passiflora edulis f. flavicarpa (yellow passion fruit) and Passiflora edulis L. (purple passion fruit). Brief Origin of Passion Fruit Passilflora spp, in particular the purple passion fruit is native to South America, from Paraguay, Brazil and Argentina; better adapted to tropical highland areas and it is the most popular type to be exported. On the other hand the yellow type is better adapted to tropical low land areas and is the principle type produced in Guyana. The fruit is widely distributed in the market and a small amount is exported to Barbados and Canada. It is one of the best tropical fruit to grow because it comes into production within a year and is referred to as fruit cash crop. Its juice is rich in vitamin A, B5 and C. Passionfruit acquired its name from Spanish missionaries who thought parts of the plants flower resembled different religious symbols. The Jesuit missionaries who accompanied the Conquistadors to South America saw in its striking flower a means of illustrating the Crucifixion; the 10 petals and sepals represented the apostles, the crown of thorns was seen in the filaments, the five anthers represent the five wounds, the three stigmas were allied with the nails used to pierce the hands and feet of Jesus and the vines tendrils were equated with the whips. ( Medicinal uses and properties of Passion Fruit The passion fruit leaves together with a small portion of the juice contain the alkaloids, including Harman which is used to lower blood pressure, sedative and antispasmodic action. The leaves are also use in many countries as medicine. The flower of passion fruit has a mild sedative and can be use to induce sleep. Passion fruit flowers have been use in treatment for the nervous system in easily excited children, bronchial asthma, insomnia, nervous gastrointestinal disorders and menopausal problems. The flower is sometimes used as a mild hallucinogen. It provides a useful amount of fibres and iron; also use to relieve rheumatism or gout. It has been used for centuries by indigenous tribes as a sedative or calming tonic. Used for urinary infections and as a mild diuretic. The juice of passion fruit reduces cancer cell growth; the phytochemicals in this fruit juice is responsible for the inhibition of the cancer cell growth. The phenolic acid (known for its anti-microbial activity) and flavanoids present in the fruit are known to possess heart protecting function. Passion fruit is a good source of both water soluble and fat soluble antioxidants. Passion fruit possesses antiseptic properties, anticancer effect, and anti-clotting and antioxidant properties. The fruit is high in carbohydrates and simple sugars, which improves energy performance. Passion fruit contains plant sterols, which help lowers the level of cholesterol. Some studies say that the fruit is good for attaining optimum health and weight loss. Herbalist used passion fruit flower to aid in digestion, as a stress reducer and as an insomnia treatment; the flowers can be use fresh or dried for use in pills, teas and for extraction e.g. tinctures and infusions. The flowers are also used by Europeans as an effective prescription medication to relieve anxiety disorder. The flower can also improve symptoms such as shortness of breath after treatment for congestive heart failure. Plant parts use to prepare supplement obtained from the leaves, flowers and fruit of Passiflora edulis and ailment encountered from supplements: Plant parts use form medicinal purposes Ailments Leaves Lower blood pressure Flower Induce sleep, aid in digestion, as a stress reducer and as insomnia, relieve anxiety disorder, congestive heart failure. Treatment of nervous system, bronchial asthma, insomnia, nervous gastrointestinal disorders and menopausal problems. Mild hallucinogen, relieve rheumatism or gout, sedative or calming tonic, mild diuretic. Fruit juice Inhibition of the cancer cell growth, heart protecting function, water soluble and fat soluble antioxidants, improves energy performance, lowers the level of cholesterol, optimum health and weight loss. Medicinal uses of Passion fruit- Passiflora edulis as obtained from interviews of Herbal Medicine Practitioners at Bourda Market. The leaves and flowers of passion fruit can be use as a nerve tonic. Passion fruit can be taken naturally as a good appetizer. The fruit can also be use to cleanse upset stomach. The fruit has a good source of vitamin C and is mixed naturally with water or sometimes added sugar to make a clenching thirst fruit juice. Passion fruit seeds contains high amount of fiber that the body needs to cleanse the colon, improve digestion, and help prevent heart attack and stroke. Passion fruit is high in vitamin A which helps the body to remove free radicals that causes skin and tissue damage, and it also help to improve our vision. Passion fruit can also be use as pig food. Name of Bush Medicine Vendor: Mugabe Jawanza Telephone #: 639-1552 Address: Lot 25 Lane Avenue, Georgetown Date of interview: 23rd April, 2011. Name of Bush Medicine Vendor: Sharmilla Mohammed Telephone #: 220-7729 Address: 149 Broad Street, Better hope, Georgetown. Date of Interview: 23rd April, 2011. Method of Preparation for the Medicinal uses or uses of Passiflora edulis obtained from interviews: The leaves and flowers are boiled with water and draw to make a nerve tonic. The fruit can be eaten raw, chopping the fruit in half and eaten (seeds as well as the orange juicy sac in the centre). Squeeze the juice from the fruit and drink naturally to cleanse the stomach. Chop of the top of the fruit, scope the pulp into a bowl; rub the pulp through a sieve to extract the seeds; squeeze gently to extract the juice, which is in the form of a rich, natural extract, can be diluted with water or other fruit juice additive and mixed with sugar to form a refreshing drink. This quenches thirst boost up and improve the bodys energy. The seed can be obtained by chopping the fruit and gulping the pulp into the mouth naturally or obtaining it after it was strained to extract the juice. This can be taken to cleanse colon, improve digestion and prevent heart attack and stroke. The rind of the fruit is chopped, dried and combined with molasses as cattle or pig food. Non-medicinal uses of Passion Fruit- Passiflora edulis The fruit of Passiflora edulis can be use naturally to make juice. Passion fruit mousse is a common dessert, and passion fruit seed are used to decorate the tops of cakes. The fruit can be used in many countries to make jams, jellies and butter as well as syrup to use on shaved ice. The fruit can also be eaten raw with sprinkles of sugar. The juice of passion fruit can be used to flavor ice-cream and other desserts such as cakes, yogurts, cocktails and cookies. The juice can be boiled as a thick syrup and use in pastries and can also be added to fruit salads as a dressing or as a fruit. The fruit is widely use as juice mixes. Pharmacological effects and risks as obtained from literature search and interviews: Effects obtained from Literature Sources Rapid heart rate and rhythm, nausea, and vomiting have been reported as the rare but serious side effect from obtaining supplements of the passion fruit or any part of it. Side effects may also include drowsiness/ sedation and mental slowing. It is advice that person operating or driving heavy machinery should take caution when using Passiflora edulis. The passion fruit flower may increase the risk of bleeding and alter blood tests that measure blood clotting. Passion fruit flower can also cause the effect of congestive heart failure for the treatment of shortness of breath and difficulty exercising. Effect obtained from Interviewers No effect was obtained from the interviews.
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