Monday, January 27, 2020
Industrial Air Pollution In Trinidad And Tobago Environmental Sciences Essay
Industrial Air Pollution In Trinidad And Tobago Environmental Sciences Essay The contamination of the atmosphere by any toxic or radioactive gases and particulate matter as a result of human activity defines air pollution. (EMA State of the Environment Report 2000) Over the years Trinidad and Tobago has focus on industrialization developing several industrial estates but greater focus was made to the energy sectors. They current have three major energy based industrial sites. The Point Lisas industrial estate, Point a Pierre petroleum refinery and Liquefied Natural Gas plant (LNG) located in Point Fortin. Trinidad and Tobago is considered to be one of the most industrialized countries in the Commonwealth Caribbean region. We have been blessed with a vast array of natural resources ranging from oil, natural gas and asphalt to manufactured petrochemicals. Despite the fact that oil production and refining is one of our main industry, petrochemicals and to a lesser extent steel plays great importance in the company economic growth. Trinidad Tobago is worlds leading exporter of both methanol and ammonia, currently they supply the largest source of LNG is exported to the United States. Early views and realization of Air Pollution To the general public air pollution was considered to be chemical emissions and that suspension and secondary pollutants will just dissipate with the aid of the wind and rain. As the country moves into a second wave of industrialization with several proposed plans of building the next economic hotspot in the Caribbean (Invest in TT Downstream Energy), concerns has been made toward the quality of air what we live and breathe. It was only years later when technology began to play an important part in analyzing pollutants and air quality that it was realized that air pollution was just as important as water pollution. The industrial sector in Trinidad Tobago is one of the most dynamitic in the Caribbean and this is reflected in the diverse nature of its pollutants. Table 1 illustrates the numerous industry classes, commodities produced, production process and resulting in air pollutants. Map 1: Existing Proposed Energy Base Industrial Estates in Trinidad Table 1: Industry in Trinidad Tobago and air emission they emit INDUSTRY PRODUCTS SOURCES AIR POLLUTANT Petrochemical Menthol, ammonia, urea, ethanol, liquefied natural gas Fossil fuel processing, industrial processes Carbon Dioxide, Sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, Carbon Monoxide Manufacturing Metals, cements, consumer products Manufacturing and extraction process, stock piling of raw materials, fossil fuel burning Carbon Dioxide, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide, nitrogen oxides, particulate matter PM (soot, dust, asbestos fibers, pesticides and metals). Volatile Organic Carbon (VOC) Transportation vehicles Incomplete combustion Carbon Monoxide, particulate matter Petroleum Refineries Refined oil, oil base products and sulfur /acids production Fossil fuel burning, extraction process, transportation process, storage process, Carbon Dioxide, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide, nitrogen oxides, methane, particulate matter (soot, dust, asbestos fibers, pesticides and metals) Agriculture Animal waste, plant waste Animal waste disposal/processing, rice paddies and wetlands, plant metabolism, land clearing Methane, Carbon monoxide, Carbon Dioxide, particulate matter (dust), VOC Electrical Power generation Electricity Fossil fuel burning, Particulate matters, Sulfur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide, carbon dioxide, nitrogen oxide, VOC Mining Quarrying Aggregate Blasting, mining, washing, extraction process Suspended Particulates Matters (SPM); Total suspended particles (TSP); Particulate matters. Wholesale and Retail All consumer products Service station operations, truck filling stations VOC Locations of Main Industrial Sectors With industrialization comes a need for people to benefit with the high level of employment in these areas. The demographic transition cycle in Trinidad and Tobago is fairly predictive with many of the populated areas following the same paths along the industrialized map. (Map 2)In the initial stages of industrial development focus was made on establishing industries in sparsely populated areas. The intention was also to take advantage of the favorable wind direction which would direct most of the air pollutant west ward over (for the most part) approximately 5 miles of uninhabited land space and then to the Gulf, with the intension that the vegetation would be affected in a minor way during the dry season and would be assisted by run off during the rainy season. This idea inadvertently leads to another pollution problem. This proved to be a short term imitative, as these areas soon became an attractive alternative to the long commute thus encouraging the establishment of make- shift villages and shanty towns. This was also fueled by the fact that the southern and eastern main road were in close proximity to these estates. Over time these villages soon became establish resistances acquiring basic utilities and official mailing addresses. The industries were now faced with a new obstacle. They now had to focus their attention to both the environment and the neighboring population. Table 2 identifies the main industrial pollutants found in Trinidad and Tobago and its effects on both the environment and humans. Map 2: Industries and major roadways Table 2: Main Industrial Pollutants and their Adverse Health and Environment Effects POLLUTANT EFFECTS ON HUMANS EFFECTS ON THE ENVIRONMENT Carbon Monoxide- CO It is absorbed through the lungs reducing the bloods capacity to transport available oxygen to the tissues. Depending on the exposure level it produces flu like symptoms usually not recognized and may results in death There is minimum effect on the environment. Sulphur Dioxides SO2 Depending on the exposure level it can cause: cause wheezing, chest tightness and shortness of breath, respiratory illness, alterations in the lungs, it aggravates existing cardiovascular disease. When SO2 combines with water, it forms sulfuric acid, which is the main component of acid rain. When acid rain falls it can cause deforestation, acidify waterways to the detriment of aquatic life. It also corrodes building materials. Acid rain changes the physical appearance of vegetation plants metabolism impaired Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2)/Oxides of Nitrogen NOx At low levels it has minimum or no effects on human health. However high levels NO2 can cause respiratory problem, increase a persons susceptibility to, and severity of infections and asthma. It can also affect the sensory system. It is harmful to vegetation, can fade and discolor fabrics, reduce visibility. Vegetation exposure to high levels of NOx can be identified by damage to foliage, decreased growth or reduced crop yield. Volatile Organic Carbon -VOC There are no general health effects of VOC because other gases make up VOCs however some gases may be toxic and/or carcinogen. Levels of exposure and time exposed can cause damage to the liver, kidney and central nervous system. It is known to cause cancer in animals. Suspended Particulates Matters (SPM); Total suspended particles (TSP); Particulate matters. Health effects on SPM in humans depend on the particle size and concentration can cause long term exposure increases the rates of respiratory illness and symptoms. Particulates can accelerate deterioration of surface and material. It has the potential to cause modification of the climate and contributes to acid deposition. Control Strategies Physical, Managerial and Legislative to Air Pollution The visionaries of the early industries focus little on health safety and the environment and this was reflected in the level of controls initiated by the industries. Controls were mainly one dimensional and fail to focus on the holistic views of health safety and environment. Public opinion and outburst resulting from the increasing number of medical complaints and the decrease quality of agriculture produce with allegations pointing towards the emission from these industries, prompted management to use technology to assist in the establishment of more stringent controls. This technology was also instrumental in pinpointing the actual adverse effects as a result of these emissions. Physical Controls The physical control represents the processes responsible for acquisition of raw material, storage, manufacturing and distribution processes. Use of Suppression Techniques The numerous pollutants that emit daily, through smokestacks petrochemical and petroleum industries together with major health effects, force industries to reduce the pollutant at the source. One of the proven ways of reducing these pollutants is installing scrubbers and in other cases bagging houses in the emission system. The use of end -of- pipe technology is being adapted by some industries, it is used to remove already formed contaminants in the air however it is proven to be very expensive and many industries internationally would rather pay the fines for higher emission levels than use this technique. In other words it is regarded as the less of two evils. These techniques force industries to adopt generic prevention strategies and solutions, only resorting to the more expensive techniques when face with dire consequences. Environmental Friendly Process With increasing pressure from environmental activists calling for industries to be more sensitive towards the environment, many industries have restructured their processes whereby recycling waste material as a new raw material to produce a second product. This process has been adapted by Methanol Holding Trinidad Limited (MHTL) were they have constructed an AUM plant. This plant is the first of its kind in Trinidad and Tobago being the most environmental friendly of the MHTL family. This plant comprises a diversified petrochemical complex to manufacture Urea Ammonia Nitrate (UAN) and Melamine using feedstock from integrated urea and ammonia plants. (MHTL) The local cement factory adopted several controls strategies to deal with the air pollution problem within its manufacturing process. A change from blasting to stripping of the main raw material (limestone) aided in the reduction of dust emissions that was affecting the neighboring community at their quarrying central Trinidad. The transportation of the limestone was also change from dry to wet thus also reducing the potential dust particles entering the atmosphere during transportation from quarrying to the process plant. At the out skirts of the processing plant itself major landscaping was done to create hills around the factory adorned by buffer trees with sole intension is to reduce the level of dust exposure to the neighboring community. Managerial Controls Self Regulation These controls consist of policies, systems and standards that govern and manage the organization. The establishments of the Key Performance Indicators (KPI) help management keep focus in order to sustain established targets. Company policies and procedures acts as guidelines to maintain order and structure within the organization. The introduction of ISO standards advertises the companys procedures to the industrial world thus ensuring that whatever measures initially introduced are sustained by the certification audits conducted annually by an international process auditors. Legislative Controls Currently in TT there is no legislation that refers directly to controlling of air pollutant emitted by industries. This is merely due to the fact that early monitoring system generally focus on water and land pollution the understanding of air pollution did not produce tangible evident because of technological short falls. The existing legislation addresses non specific air pollutants like the Petroleum Act (rev. 1980) section 29 (1) (j) prevention of air pollution and the Public health ordinance (1950), section 70 (1) (m) prohibits blacks smoke from chimneys. Even though the EMA was establish and is the countrys sole environmental body responsible for managing, regulating and coordinating environmental matters. The EMA has only managed to draft the Air Pollution Rules 2001 however to date 2010 these rules have not been made law. Trinidad and Tobago being a member of the Commonwealth and the United Nations has benefited from the research and technological advancement from these more developed countries (MDC). Initiatives such as the Montreal Protocol (1989 the control of CFCs) and the Kyoto Protocol (1997 the reduction of Greenhouse Gases) assisted the legislative process of TT by association. The only way legislative was establish was by piggy backing on the achievement of the more developed countries it seems that this was the only way the law maker could have had any impact on defaulters of air pollution in Trinidad. Only when legislation is pass the country can benefit from some effective control measures where polluters are prosecuted and emission limits are set for all industries. Conclusion Trinidad and Tobago historically is a nation of followers there have been very few instances where we were not promoted or assisted in some way or the other in achieving established goals and the topic of pollution is no exception. Have we ever wonder why the one establish air pollution laws stems from a diplomatic relations within the commonwealth and the United Nations or why we had to wait until the advent of OSHA to enforce existing safety laws in our country. The answer is simple we are still waiting to follow no wonder legislation spear headed by locals are treated with scan courtesy. Had these laws been establish in some first world convention they would have been rooted in the seams of our judicial system years ago? Many of the existing pollution laws governing the more develop countries were mainly as a result of international pressure, sadly Trinidad and Tobago is not view as a major polluting nation because of its geographical location and size. Evidence of pollution aware ness is mainly seen in the new establish manufacturing countries whose parent companies originate overseas. It is only amongst of fellow less develops countries and Caribbean members that Trinidad and Tobago is recognize as a polluting nation sadly these countries have little impact on global view. Despite our shortcomings, internally there has been an intensified effort to effectively monitor record, control and enforce pollution reducing systems and strategies. Internationally the over site of Trinidad and Tobago (a country that can easily fit into the Orinoco River with a population that barely exceeds large town in the United States) has not deterred local efforts to manage the levels of air emissions.
Sunday, January 19, 2020
Evaluation of Canonââ¬â¢s Strategies Essay
The first part of this investigation involves an evaluation of the strategies used by Canon and the key factors for success. In order to being this review, it is first necessary to consider how the company has performed in recent years. Table 1 provided below provides an overall review of the organizationââ¬â¢s performance in recent years. The data clearly suggests that Canon has made notable progress toward developing market share, revenues and profitability. In addition to reducing its debt to asset ratio in 2008, the organization also increased its stockholder equity to assert ratio. Table 1: Key Performance Indicators for Canon, 2004-2008 [pic] Data courtesy of: http://www. canon. com/ir/annual/2008/report2008. pdf Other indicators of Canonââ¬â¢s success are provided in Figures 1 and 2 below. These illustrations provide a review of net sales and ROE/ROA for 2003-2007. Figure 1: Net Sales for CanonFigure 2: ROE/ROA for Canon Data courtesy of: http://www. canon. com/ir/annual/2007/report2007. pdf With the realization that Canon has performed so well in recent years, it is pertinent to consider the specific areas which have promulgated success for the organization. A crucial review of the case information provided on the organization suggests that there are a number of pertinent strategy elements which have been pertinent to the success of the organization. In particular the organization has worked to develop a mission and vision which it has incorporated on all levels of its operations. The development of a guiding mission for the organization is essential for success (Henry 2007). Missions provide the foundation for the development of actionable processes which can be used for moving the organization toward specific goals (Johnson, Scholes & Whittington, 2008). In addition to developing a mission and vision which provided the organization with a directive for action, Canon also developed a firm strategy focused on attainable goals for operations. Specifically, the organization set the specific goal of obtaining 30 percent of the world market by the 1980s. Research regarding the current state of achieving this objective suggests that even though Canon has not been able to maintain a 30 percent market share in the industry, it has overcome competitor Xerox to become second only to Hewlett Packard. Figure 3 below provides a review of global market share for companies competing in Canonââ¬â¢s industry. Figure 3: Global Market Share for Canon and Competitors [pic] (Data courtesy of ââ¬Å"Office electronics industry profile,â⬠2008, p. 12) The focus on a specific goal for the organization has clearly had an impact on outcomes for operations. By using this specific goal for development, Canon has been able to set clear, measurable objectives which can be evaluated by the organization to determine outcomes. Setting measurable goals is an important component of developing a strategic plan for the organization (Huang, 2009). Measurable goals are viewed as essential to the successful implementation of a strategic plan which provides significant results for the ongoing development of the organization. Another issue which appears to have had notable implications for the successful development of Canon is the use of specific core competencies to ensure the outcomes of operations. In addition to developing a strategic plan which provided clear and measurable objectives, the organization delineated specific core competencies which it has been able to optimize in order to coordinate its strategic objective and achieve its goals. A review of what has been noted regarding the use of core competencies suggests that core competencies can provide the organization with the ability to focus development in particular areas (Zook, 2007). This process, in turn, sets the stage for the development of management practice and shapes how the organization approaches the market and its competitors. Collis and Montgomery (2008) provide a more integral review of core competencies noting the importance of review intended core competencies in the context of the external environment in which an organization competes. As reported by these authors, organizations need to consider the external environment and competitors in developing core competencies. While it is evident that core competencies must meet the internal demands and capabilities of the organization, Collis and Montgomery assert that improper alignment of core competencies in light of competitors and the larger industry in which the organization operates will result in failure of core competencies to be effective. In developing its core competencies, Canon appears to have taken these issues into consideration. The specific outcomes in this area are witnessed by the fact that in the 1970s, Xerox held a majority market share, which it has subsequently lost to Canon. In the 1970s, Canon recognized that the formula for success being used by Xerox was not the same formula which it wanted to pursue in the development of its organization. In this context, Canon chose to pursue a different pathway for competitive development; one which enabled the company to synthesize its internal capabilities with the market environment to create a unique competitive advantage against its largest rival. Because of this process of developing particular core competencies for operations, Canon was able to maximize its internal capabilities and use this as a strategic advantage in the marketplace. In summarizing the overall approach used by Canon to develop its strategic plan and subsequent management processes, it seems reasonable to argue that Canon did more than just place words on paper to establish a foundation for the organization. Rather, the organization developed a comprehensive plan for vision, strategy and development which were implemented on every level of the organizationââ¬â¢s operations. In addition to delineating the larger objectives for the organization, Canon developed all of the intermediate steps that would be needed to achieve these objectives. In doing so, the organization aligned all of its activities toward the achievement of the organizationââ¬â¢s overall strategy. The development of strategy in this manner is commensurate with what scholars note about the strategic planning and management processes. Kaplan and Norton (2008) assert that the strategy planning and development processes for the organization often end in failure because of the inability of the organization to effectively execute its strategy. Further, these authors assert that strategy failure is common because of implementation problems which manifest as organizations attempt to make critical connections between strategy objectives and specific outcomes which will be achieved to ensure that objectives are reached. Placing this information into the case of Canon, it becomes evident that these issues did not arise. Rather than struggling to implement, the organization developed to tools and resources needed to effectively ensure that it built a foundation which would enable success. It is this specific process which has enabled the success of Cannon. When strategy development is formulated as more than just specific words on paper the end result is the development of a strategic plan which provides concrete action steps for the organization to take. With these action steps in place, the organization is better poised to control the development of the strategic plan and its implementation (Neilson, Martin & Powers, 2008). This element of control in the strategic planning process has been noted to be an important contributor to the success of strategic implementation. When control is established in the strategic planning process, the organization is able to dictate the specific changes which will occur and respond to outcomes in a manner that is commensurate with the capabilities of the company and responsive to the specific external environment which will impact the outcomes of operations. What Other Companies Can Learn With a basic review of the success of Canon in the development of its strategy provided, it is now possible to consider what, if anything, can be learned by other companies from this case. In examining the development and outcomes of Canon, it becomes evident that the specific protocols and practices which have been used by the organization to achieve success should not be mimicked by other companies. Even though Canon has been quite successful in its efforts to develop its products and services, the reality is that other companies cannot expect to use the same formula for success and to achieve the same outcomes achieved by Canon. Other companies have attempted to use this approach in the pastââ¬âi. . Circuit City, K-Mart, etc. Even though mimicking another organization may provide some benefits in the short-term, the reality is that the outcomes achieved will not provide an organization with a long-term foundation for development. Even though companies examining the case of Canon may not be able to use the same specific tactics employed by the organization, Canon did employ a number of general models for strategic planning and development which could be considere d by other organizations. In particular, the development of core competencies for operations is an important tool which other companies could consider for success. An examination of models for the development of core competencies in the organization suggests that companies need to begin with a core strategy for the development of their operations. Once this core strategy has been delineated, it is then possible to articulate specific areas of organizational development by attaching them directly to the core strategy. Figure 4 on the following page provides a generic model of how core competency development for the organization has been conceptualized in for translation of core competencies into organizational practice. The application of this model to the development of core competency planning for the organization would serve as the foundation for the development of the basic ideas which could then be used for the further development of the organization. Based on the specific core competencies decided upon by the organization, a formal strategic plan for organizational development could be implemented. This plan would need to reflect the development of measurable goals to ensure the overall success of achieving core competencies. Figure 4: Generic Model for Core Competency Planning [pic] Image courtesy of: http://www. ulv. edu/cbpm/business/img/mba_exp_graphic. jpg Once the core competencies for the organization have been delineated, it will then be possible for companies to consider the development of a strategic plan. Examining the specific steps used by Canon, it becomes evident that solid advice for planning and development in this area are provided in the case. In addition to developing a driving vision and mission, the organization also implemented critical success factors which enabled the organization to formulate goals. The goals were codified in the context of action steps which provided a concrete foundation for the organization to achieve success. All of these issues were supported by the core competencies established by the organization. Figure 4 below provides a review of this process and demonstrates how other organizations could effectively adopt this process to generate success in their strategic planning and management processes.
Friday, January 10, 2020
Christ above Elijah and Moses Essay
The relation between Jesus and Elijah or between the book of Kings and the New Testament is one of the most controversial issues in modern theology. As a matter of fact this is also one of the crucial issues regarding the divinity of Jesus. It is also one of the main issues that divide Christianity and Judaism. The main problem arises from the actual term Messiah which in literal translation means the ââ¬Å"anointedâ⬠one. Therefore many that claim that Jesus was only a human Messiah and not the son of god, put Jesus and Elijah on the same level together with Moses. Even though the transfiguration of Christ in the second Epistle of Peter supposedly puts Christ above Elijah and Moses, the text does not give such clear evidence about Jesus actually being above them or being the son of god. Coming back to the term messiah or the anointed we should remember that in Jewish terminology Messiah could be any prophet including Moses, Elijah or even David. As a matter of fact in first century Judaism it was more likely for the Jews to expect two messiahs; a political and a spiritual one. Therefore it was widely speculated that there is a possibility that Barabbas might actually have been the other Messiah and that the account of that was lost during the years while Christianity was an underground religion. The second biggest problem regarding the identity of Jesus and his relations with other prophets is the metamorphosis (or transfiguration) of both testaments by the Nicaene Creed, it is where Jesus was adapted to become the new god of the Roman Empire as it is said: ââ¬Å"the time when Constantine the Great tricked the Messianic Jews into worshiping the Roman Emperor in disguise. â⬠It is actually by comparing Elijahââ¬â¢s and Jesusââ¬â¢ Messianic deeds that we can see the similarity between the two of them. As a matter of fact if one compares 2 Kings 4:1-44 with the Gospels of the New Testament like Mark 6:30-44, Mark 8:1-9, and John 6:1-13 one can notice striking similarities that are too similar to simply be coincidence. (1) In other words they pretty much perform the same miraculous deeds and seem to act and speak in quite a similar way. Is this the way the 1st century Jews expected their Messiah to act and behave. Both Jesus and Elijah raised people from the dead as well as they provided for the needy on several occasions. (2) (2 Kings 4: 1-44) On the other hand Elijah and Jesus are different to Moses for having gone to heaven while being alive while Moses died as a mortal never rising people from the dead , but the fact that Jesus and Elijah are so similar shows us a precedent in the Old Testament, of a prophet that is so similar to Jesus that it is logical to assume that Jesus is finally only one of the prophets that was god-sent to help his flock in turbulent times and leave a legacy of how one should live her or his life. (3) If one assumes the original Jesus was a Jewish prophet that was not the incarnation of god himself but a very mighty mortal that finally resurrected from the dead and went to heaven then there is no difference between him and Elijah except the resurrection part, which could be explained by a different will of god or by historic misinterpretation. Nevertheless the main differences between Jesus and Elijah are actually some additions to the personality and life of Jesus that were included to the scriptures to satisfy the pagan populations of Constantineââ¬â¢s Rome. Like the Virgin birth (proper of Sun Gods like Horus and Mithras) birth on December 24th (4) (proper of Sun Gods like Horus and Mithras), and the resurrection also proper of Sun Gods like Horus and Mithras. Footnotes: 1. 2 Kings 4: 42 A man came from Baal Shalishah, bringing the man of God twenty loaves of barley bread baked from the first ripe grain, along with some heads of new grain. ââ¬Å"Give it to the people to eat,â⬠Elisha said. 43 ââ¬Å"How can I set this before a hundred men? â⬠his servant asked. But Elisha answered, ââ¬Å"Give it to the people to eat. For this is what the LORD says: ââ¬ËThey will eat and have some left over. ââ¬Ë â⬠44 Then he set it before them, and they ate and had some left over, according to the word of the LORD. John 6: 10Jesus said, ââ¬Å"Have the people sit down. â⬠There was plenty of grass in that place, and the men sat down, about five thousand of them. 11Jesus then took the loaves, gave thanks, and distributed to those who were seated as much as they wanted. He did the same with the fish. 12When they had all had enough to eat, he said to his disciples, ââ¬Å"Gather the pieces that are left over. Let nothing be wasted. â⬠13So they gathered them and filled twelve baskets with the pieces of the five barley loaves left over by those who had eaten. Mark 6: 38He saith unto them, How many loaves have ye? go and see. And when they knew, they say, Five, and two fishes. 39And he commanded them to make all sit down by companies upon the green grass. 40And they sat down in ranks, by hundreds, and by fifties. 41And when he had taken the five loaves and the two fishes, he looked up to heaven, and blessed, and brake the loaves, and gave them to his disciples to set before them; and the two fishes divided he among them all. 42And they did all eat, and were filled. 2. 2 Kings 4: 32 When Elisha reached the house, there was the boy lying dead on his couch. 33 He went in, shut the door on the two of them and prayed to the LORD. 34 Then he got on the bed and lay upon the boy, mouth to mouth, eyes to eyes, hands to hands. As he stretched himself out upon him, the boyââ¬â¢s body grew warm. 35 Elisha turned away and walked back and forth in the room and then got on the bed and stretched out upon him once more. The boy sneezed seven times and opened his eyes. 36 Elisha summoned Gehazi and said ââ¬Å"Call the Shunammite. â⬠And he did. When she came, he said, ââ¬Å"Take your son. â⬠37 She came in, fell at his feet and bowed to the ground. Then she took her son and went out. 3. One of the main points of those who argue the humanity of Jesus is that he is no god incarnate and a direct path to heaven that came to reaffirm the rule of the church. Quite the contrary, his teachings concentrate more on oneââ¬â¢s inner struggles in very logical ways rather then the controversial dogma imposed later by the Roman Church. 4. Constantine had to combine the Jewish faith and rituals with Roman sun god faith and rituals in order to make the new religion more understandable to the pagan population of the empire. Therefore the modern Jesus is a mixture of Roman sun God and historic, Jewish Jesus. The Jewish Jesus can raise people from the dead, just like Elijah and can feed many with little food, just like Elijah and finally ascends to heaven alive just like Elijah. On the other hand Jesus is born of a virgin, unlike Elijah but very much like many Sun Gods, he is born on December 24th like many Sun Gods, he dies and is resurrected like all the Sun Gods, finally, modern Christians do not celebrate the Sabbath like Jesus did but Celebrate the Calends (Sunday) as the Romans did when worshiping their Sun God. Works cited: Bible Gateway, KJV, Books of: 2 Kings, Mark, John. Retrieved on March, 3rd 2009, from: http://www. biblegateway. com/passage/? search Davies, Steven L. New Testament Fundamentals, Santa Rosa, Polebridge Press, 1994.
Thursday, January 2, 2020
The Integrated Sport Injury Model Is The Best Model That
The integrated sport injury model is the best model that could explain Mattââ¬â¢s psychological response to his reaggravating his shoulder injury. In this paper I will give a complete analysis of Mattââ¬â¢s psychological response for set backs in his rehabilitation process. This will be done in three main points: First I will explain what specifically the integrated sport injury model is. Then I will explain how Mattââ¬â¢s psychological response fits in this model. Lastly, I will conclude psychological rehabilitation process in relation to Mattââ¬â¢s case. The Integrated Sport Injury Model The integrated sport injury model consists of three main components. These components are cognitive appraisal, emotional response and behavioral response. The modelâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦Mattââ¬â¢s personal history of power lifting and itââ¬â¢s success garnered him positive social support. However once he received negative feedback for following the ââ¬Å"wimpyâ⬠exercises this led to his negative mood and thinking. This will lead to the next component of emotional response. Emotional Response There are many emotional response factors that play a role in the rehabilitation process. These could include: fear of the unknown, feelings of tension, anger, and depression and grief associated with an injury. As eluded in the behavior response negative social support leads to non-adherence to rehabilitation in which many of these negative emotional responses can be notice. The factors of grief associated with the injury, depression and the fear of the unknown are most prevalent in this case study. The negative feedback that Matt is receiving from his peers is leading to these negative emotional responses. This feedback is leading to his grief of the injury thus making him depressed. He shows signs of depression due to the fact that he is fearful that this injury will take away from his goals of being a top power lifter thus taking away from his identity. These negative emotional responses thus play a role in his cognitive appraisal. Cognitive Appraisal Factors associated with cognitive appraisal include: The need to adjust performanceShow MoreRelatedSports Massage And Athletic Massage Essay887 Words à |à 4 PagesIntroduction When someone says ââ¬Å"Sports Massageâ⬠what comes to mind? Is it a large person with a white golf shirt and khaki chinos pressing their elbow in to a scantily clad football playerââ¬â¢s back? Is it a person at the end of a five kilometer run, with a massage table, a bottle of water and a banana for the participant? 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Regardless of the training style, the touch points of this programs are: Improve CONTACT STRENGTH Develop FINGER SHOCK ABSORPTION Build Up PRECISION Push your DETERMINATION Increase your HAND MOVEMENT QUALITYRead MoreSports And Exercise Psychology Myths2236 Words à |à 9 Pages Sport and Exercise Psychology Myths Timothy R. Horn Emporia State University Myths are commonly taken as fact when it comes to many of these areas of sport psychology. Coaches, teachers, and athletes will never change unless they inspect or are taught the facts and research behind these various theories and behaviors. This can be a large problem for those athletes who are instructed incorrectly, and it could potentially damage their futures in athletic competitions. Read MoreThe Influence of Athletic Competition on Psychological Development2643 Words à |à 11 Pagesdetrimental consequences for athletes. A major source of stress within athletics is due to potential and veritable athletic injuries due to overuse, during-game accidents and other competition/training related afflictions (Hanson, McCullagh Tonymon, 1992). Approximately 3-5 million injuries occur due to athletics each year (Smith, Smoll Ptacek, 1990), and the prevalence of such injuries suggests that the trauma experienced could pose a significant threat to athletes, both physically and psychologicallyRead MoreEssay on Market research on changi hospital5416 Words à |à 22 PagesAPPENDIX IV APPENDIX V The Flower of Service Changi General Hospital SWOT Analysis News Article Positioning Map Changi General Hospital Service Blueprint FIGURES AND TABLES FIGURE 1 FIGURE 2 TABLE 1 TABLE 2 Service Quality Gap Model ââ¬ËSee and Treatââ¬â¢ Process Flowchart Changi General Hospital SWOT Analysis Changi General Hospital Target Market Segment 11 13 5 6 1. Executive Summary Hospital bed occupants no longer are merely patients; they are consumers of hospitalsââ¬â¢
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